PBFL was created in 2009 from the encouragement of the Sister Of Life.
To have faithful men who are bikers to be involved in serving and reaching our brothers and sisters on the outskirts of society in the pro life movement.
Since then we have been blessed with woman riders who have become PBFL members as well.
PBFL members are involved in prayer vigils for the unborn, side walk counseling at abortion clinics, delivering furniture for new moms, throwing baby showers. Speaking at high schools, colleges, men’s retreats and Nights of Columbus presenting the challenges of being on the front lines with our Priest and Sisters to counter the choice of death over life.
PBFL have been invited to three consecutive World Youth Days in Spain, Brazil and Poland to share our experiences to the youth, thru images and stories of our encounters with abortion minded moms and dads who though through the grace of the Holy Spirit choose life for their child.
We are small in numbers but Gods awesome Glory has always gone before us amazing us each time we are out there in his name.
Each PBFL feels Blessed ti have been chosen to be the hands and feet of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to reach out to all his children.
This is why Ride and Pray, we are GOd’s Army in the Spiritual battle for LIFE!
Behold the inheritance of the Lord are children: the reward, the fruit of the womb. – Psalm 127:3

PBFL Chaplin
Fr. Liam Mcdonald
with the
Sisters Of Life
and a future PBFL

WYD Krokow


WYD Madrid
Planned Parenthood
Health Center
Hempstead, LI NY