Life Center Of Long Island
Gospel Of Life Award

How grateful we are for the presence of the Life Center of Long Island
and all they do for the unborn child and their families
We also thank the Sisters of Life,
Sister Loretta for the conception
of the Pro Bikers For life
During the 2009 March for Life, in Washington DC
How GREAT on our 10th Year Aniversary
to recieve this Award from the Life Center of long Island / Thank You !
We are faith driven bikers
Who ride into the darkness of abortion
with the light and armour of Jesus Christ.
Our members work together
with our defferent God given Talents
in quest to save the unborn child.
We are small group but mighty
From NY to LA to EUROPE.
We have been invited to 3 world WYD’S
Spain, Brazil & Poland.
Where over 200,000 Pilrams saw an Exihit
of our Pro Life works.
Many were shocked and cried
when thay saw what was happening in America
Our Social media can reaches up 30, 000 month
The Pro Bikers For Life are Grateful
For all the prayers from Religious and Lay People from all over the world.
We have a short Intro Video
We use the sound track from a great Pro Life, Netflix Series…
Calling the Midwifes / 9 years now running Produced by the BBC